Lead Like Jesus - The Eternal Life Church of Christ

Aug 23, 2020

Welcome to The Eternal Life Church of Christ, a community dedicated to deepening our faith and understanding of Jesus Christ. As believers, we strive to lead like Jesus, embodying His teachings and spreading His love to all those we encounter. Through our commitment to servant leadership, humility, and compassion, we aim to create a transformative and inclusive environment where individuals can grow spiritually and find their purpose.

The Power of Leading Like Jesus

Leading like Jesus goes beyond traditional leadership models. It focuses on the values and principles that Jesus exemplified during His time on earth. Jesus was a servant leader who prioritized the needs of others and selflessly devoted Himself to their welfare. By following His example, we can develop leadership skills that not only benefit us but also positively impact the lives of those around us.

At The Eternal Life Church of Christ, we believe that leadership is a calling bestowed upon each of us, regardless of our roles or positions. Whether you're a parent, a student, a professional, or a community member, you have the opportunity to lead with purpose and integrity. Our teachings empower individuals to embrace their leadership potential and make a profound difference in the lives of others.

Principles of Leading Like Jesus

When we lead like Jesus, we embody several important principles that guide our actions and interactions:

  1. Servant Leadership: Jesus taught us to serve others and put their needs before our own. By embracing servant leadership, we recognize the immense value in serving and supporting those around us.
  2. Humility: Jesus demonstrated humility in His every action. He never sought recognition or praise for Himself but rather attributed His work to a higher purpose. We strive to cultivate humility in our leadership approach, recognizing that true leadership is about uplifting others.
  3. Compassion: Jesus showed boundless compassion towards the marginalized, the sick, and the weary. We believe that compassion is a key element of leadership, as it allows us to connect with others on a deep level and empathize with their struggles.
  4. Integrity: Jesus consistently acted with integrity, aligning His words and actions with His core principles. We emphasize the importance of integrity in leadership, as it builds trust and credibility among those we lead.

By internalizing these principles and incorporating them into our lives, we can become leaders who inspire and influence positive change.

Join Our Community of Faith

At The Eternal Life Church of Christ, we welcome individuals who are seeking to deepen their spiritual journey and learn how to lead like Jesus. Our community is committed to fostering an environment of love, support, and growth. Through regular worship services, Bible study groups, and community outreach initiatives, we provide opportunities for individuals to engage with their faith and connect with others who share a similar calling.

Our church believes in the power of collective worship and seeks to create an inclusive space where everyone feels valued and accepted. We encourage individuals to explore their faith, ask meaningful questions, and discover their unique purpose in God's plan.

Embrace Leadership and Faith

As you embark on your leadership journey, we invite you to immerse yourself in the teachings of Jesus and experience the transformative power of leading like Him. Whether you're just starting to explore your faith or have been a lifelong believer, there is always room to grow and deepen your relationship with God. Join us at The Eternal Life Church of Christ and discover the joy of leading like Jesus in all aspects of your life.

Mike Anklam
Inspiring and powerful! 👏🙌
Oct 4, 2023